Furniture hd ​pack

Well looking and ​optimized models are ​enough for developing ​process.

rIGHT? ...


What about time saver?

Package must be easy to use

We know that the cooperation with ​models tends to be problematic. ​Exclamation mark showing after import ​of the assets can definitely drive you ​mad.​

Compatibility with different assets

Avoid collision

If the models stand out too much in ​terms of style, you just wasted your ​money. Even the most fancy assets in ​the world still have to match the ​environment.

Attention to detail

One step closer to realism

Creating models is always a fight with ​amount of resource consuming vertices, ​but bear in mind fact that you cannot go ​compromise.

Make progress faster

Pr​efabs are ready

It just makes sense that easy use means ​faster work on your project. Prefabs ​skyrocket efficiency.

Furniture hd pack

Technical Details

Resolution of the textures: 2048x2048


Polygons: 483

Materials: 1​

Textures: 2​

Prefabs: 1​

Tv​ table

Polygons: 2002

Materials: 1

Textures: 2

Prefabs: 1


Polygons: 1867

Materials: 1

Textures: 1

Prefabs: 1

Ro​ckwall Lamp

Polygons: 2619​

Materials: 2​

Textures: 3​

Prefabs: 1​


Polygons: 1407

Materials: 3

Textures: 4

Prefabs: 3

Co​ffee table

Polygons: 1306

Materials: 1

Textures: 1

Prefabs: 1

Cu​p pad

Polygons: 326

Materials: 1

Textures: 4

Prefabs: 3

Ga​me box

Polygons: 6091

Materials: 6

Textures: 4

Prefabs: 1

Smartphone O​

Polygons: 3491

Materials: 7

Textures: 3

Prefabs: 2


Polygons: 1994

Materials: 3​

Textures: 3​

Prefabs: 1​

Smartphone S​

Polygons: 3184​

Materials: 8​

Textures: 4​

Prefabs: 1​


Polygons: 12416

Materials: 4​

Textures: 8​

Prefabs: 1​

Smartphone X​

Polygons: 5029​

Materials: 7​

Textures: 3​

Prefabs: 1​

Sm​artphone G

Polygons: 4056

Materials: 7​

Textures: 1​

Prefabs: 2​

Smartphone T​

Polygons: 2127​

Materials: 7​

Textures: 7​

Prefabs: 4​

Smartphone I​

Polygons: 2505

Materials: 7

Textures: 7​

Prefabs: 5​


Polygons: 13.175

Materials: 5

Textures: 4

Prefabs: 1

Smartphone L​

Polygons: 2671

Materials: 7

Textures: 6​

Prefabs: 5​

Audiobox ​sideki​ck

Polygons: 424

Materials: 1

Textures: 1

Prefabs: 1

Smartphone M​

Polygons: 2223

Materials: 7

Textures: 3​

Prefabs: 2​

Th​in speaker

Polygons: 4146

Materials: 4​

Textures: 4​

Prefabs: 1​


Polygons: 1808​

Materials: 3​

Textures: 2​

Prefabs: 1​

Gaming lapto​p

Polygons: 12698​

Materials: 8​

Textures: 2​

Prefabs: 1​


Polygons: 1681​9

Materials: ​4

Textures: ​2

Prefabs: ​1​

Of​fice table

Polygons: 4306​

Materials: 1​

Textures: 2​

Prefabs: 1​


Polygons: 11666​

Materials: 3​

Textures: 3​

Prefabs: 1​

Sp​ort bench

Polygons: 20815​

Materials: 3​

Textures: 6​

Prefabs: 1​

Gu​itar rack

Polygons: 5044​

Materials: 1​

Textures: 3​

Prefabs: 1​

Air ​conditioning

Polygons: 4926

Materials: 2

Textures: 1

Prefabs: 1


Polygons: 13570

Materials: 4​

Textures: 2​

Prefabs: 1​


Polygons: 3024​

Materials: 1​

Textures: 5​

Prefabs: 1​

Ro​ck wall

Polygons: 2525

Materials: 1​

Textures: 2​

Prefabs: 1​


Polygons: 3917

Materials: 4

Textures: 2

Prefabs: 1


Polygons: 9875​

Materials: 2​

Textures: 2​

Prefabs: 1​

Of​fice chair

Polygons: 24537

Materials: 4​

Textures: 5​

Prefabs: 1​


Polygons: 9336

Materials: 4

Textures: 2

Prefabs: 1

Fo​otball table

Polygons: 90697

Materials: 7​

Textures: 8​

Prefabs: 1​


Polygons: 33277

Materials: 3​

Textures: 0​

Prefabs: 1​


Polygons: 45479

Materials: 4​

Textures: 7​

Prefabs: 1​

Ga​ming chair

Polygons: 29484

Materials: 5​

Textures: 5​

Prefabs: 6​

Bi​o Fireplace

Polygons: 13.630

Materials: 3

Textures: 4

Prefa​b​s: 1


Polygons: 3361

Materials: 4

Textures: 1​

Prefabs: 1​

Mi​ni lamp

Polygons: 3080

Materials: 3​

Textures: 0​

Prefabs: 1​


Prove you are the best creator!

With this afternoon you will have beautiful ​scene with elegant, modern assets. ​Download our assets and start doing ​difference.

Here we go!

Yo​u are in good hands

End the cycle of searching assets with ​Furniture HD Pack, click button below and ​shorten the time of the game developme​nt proccess​.